In Spider-Man 4 (2026), Peter Parker, played by Tom Holland, faces one of his darkest challenges yet. After the events of No Way Home, Peter’s life is isolated, as his identity as Spider-Man has been wiped from everyone’s memory, leaving him to operate alone in a city he once knew so well. This solitude pushes Peter into a path of self-discovery, as he grapples with redefining his life without MJ, Ned, or the support of the Avengers.
The trailer teases the return of some familiar faces and new allies who step in to fill the void left by Peter’s erased connections. However, one of the major revelations is the arrival of Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. the Kingpin, who becomes Peter's primary antagonist. Kingpin has grown his criminal empire, exploiting New York’s underworld without the hindrance of Spider-Man’s interference. Determined to take control of the city, he enlists the help of a mysterious, highly skilled new villain rumored to be none other than the Scorpion, who poses a lethal threat to Peter.